Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My 1st post

Hello everyone! I'm very excited to start blogging about my adventures in life with my loving husband and my amazing Nikki and Caliber!

To catch you up to speed
My life became about everything dog when we adopted Nikki in 2008. We make a wicked agility team and have had a very awesome 2 years training and trialing! I could not imagine my life without her she brightens every day for me!
Go Dog Go Trial August 2010

The world has been a scary place for her at times but with each day she is gaining more and more confidence and becoming a happier dog!  

Medicine Hat Trial September 2010

In August of 2010 Caliber entered our life! He is a fun and lovable Karelian Bear Dog! I got a few interesting looks from a few people when I told them what breed came home with us, but it has been and awesome 9 months with him. He is teaching me to be more and more patient every day!

We have started into Rally Obedience and he has done really well so far! Just this past weekend he had his 1st show!!!! Two Q's! So pround of us!

Medicine Hat May 14 &15

We both had fun, but he was pretty excited to go home!

That's it for now, will be look forward to blogging more soon! Rally Video to come!!