Thursday, December 15, 2011


So I had a great opportunity to watch Silvia Trkman's video Ready-Steady-Go the other day and have to say I did learn some valuable tips on how to make my nikkers run faster! So I know that Nikki's drive has been a little bit of issue for us for well always, so after watching this video I decided that its "Now or Never time" and since it has been on my mind and on my list of "To Do's" this video could not have come at a better time. Time to stop being lazy Ashley! I also decided to include caliber in my drive training because well why not. He needs something more to do these days and I believe some tricks and more fun will make him a little happier! 

Whenever I take on something new I'm always amazed at how much I learn. The dogs always seem to get it but I'm always surprised when I see the outcomes.

So lesson 1 (for me of course!): This has to be done SEPARATELY. Nikki is such a.....well lets just say it....a jealous B****. Even though I love her she can not handle not having all of the attention all the time. If anyone has some insight on this matter please feel free to comment.

I've also been thinking about my contacts with Nikki lately. They have always been weak which we all know is defiantly my fault but something that Silvia said that caught my attention was that she always trains running contacts and that a under confident dog should as well to keep up there speed. Now at this point I'm defiantly not looking for Nikki to become the fasted dog in the class, I'm just wondering if this will help her confidence out on course? Less to worry about for her and for me. Please feel free to comment on this matter as well!

1 comment:

  1. hi Ashley!!
    so good to hear from you, for some reason I can't always comment on your bglog but just so you know I'm still reading your posts!
